Silent waves.
The grandeur lay latent, behind its silently receding waves. The calmness and serenity is what it chose. It’s ferocity is not hidden From any of those eyes admiring it’s …
Read MoreLane destined to touch every heart
The grandeur lay latent, behind its silently receding waves. The calmness and serenity is what it chose. It’s ferocity is not hidden From any of those eyes admiring it’s …
Read MoreIf we had the option not to wake up, Would we ever open our eyes? If we had the choice to choose again Would we ever choose what we have? …
Read MoreBeing there for the one who never bothered to hear your story. Being present for those who always missed your event. Celebrating the success of those who always demeaned your …
Read MoreHe roaredscary, loud, and powerfulThat gave chills to the spine.But the barbs around Reminded him of his boundaries. She ChirpedSweet melodious tweeteringThat made every heart sing.But the bars aroundReminded her …
Read More[The un-welcomed Land I belonged to…] The dead walked again,From what they called camps.They stumbled again,But they had handsTo hold them from the fall. This time, they had hope sparklingIn …
Read MoreWe belong to the land that no longer welcome us. Men with white hats stood tallpiercing the azure tapestrywitnessing what has gone by.What is happening and what is lined up …
Read MoreThe flow of words that trickled down her pen, After years of the clot, it finally busted out, pouring down every bit of her into the empty canvas. Painting colors …
Read MoreIf I was what I am notwhat would I be? Would I be what I thought I would be? Or Would I be what I never thought I would be? …
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