Discover a new you by sweating out a little.

“To enjoy the glow of good health, we must exercise”, I believe that every single word written by Gene Tunny is true. Exercise not only enhances us physically but also works wonder for our mental health.

Exercise is something we always tend to excuse ourselves from. Yes, it is a game of patience and strong will power. It is very Challenging and painful task, but the end result is worth the pain and the hard work. Rather than procrastinating it, bring it to your daily routine trust me, you will enjoy the quality life it gives to you.

I have been working out for the past 6 to 7 months. I don’t claim that I got the perfect body (it’s in the making, rather I am still considered on the fluffier side) but yes it has given me an improved mental health. It has changed my view and attitude towards life.
Enough of excuses, begin now, whatever your age!!!

Let me counter your excuses…..

First excuse you have, the time issue… Work out doesn’t mean that you have to hit the gym and spent hours there. Get your jogging or walking shoes on and take a brisk walk or jog for 30 mins (begin with 10 mins initially) and exercise will automatically squeeze it into your routine. I go for 40 minutes walk every morning, breathing in the fresh morning air releases my tension and helps me have a stress free day.

Second excuse is space. No space to take a walk nearby your residential area? Not a problem, go for indoor exercise. Weight lifting is a good form of exercise for weight loss, don’t go for heavy ones, lift lighter ones. If you have dumbbells all the more better. May be a walk on a  treadmill or do some cycling on exercise cycle and some tummy trimmers to get rid of extra fat from your tummy area. If you feel this will cost you some money, yes it will, and I think health should always come first.

If you prefer an expense less workout, not much problem.. Jumping rope is the best form of the overall exercise. Skipping is a good way to work out, but remember do not over do it right from the beginning. Keep it slow initially to avoid the pain and the cramps, then you can increase the speed gradually.

Try doing yoga, it is a good form of exercise, and it doesn’t ask for your budget nor needs much space. If you have a mat at home, make use of it or you could get a yoga mat from a nearby sports shop. I have been doing it and has done wonders to me. I have been getting compliments for my shredded kilos and it feels great. To be on the safer side, I suggest you to take guidance from YouTube videos, as it is not advised to do it on your own for the beginners.

Very well said,“Use it or loose it” It’s your body, the more you use the more efficiently it works. Less active body welcomes all sorts of health issues and that might ask for a huge budget.

‘The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best is now’ Its never too late to start, so without further delay Act before your body reacts.

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