No paper is strong enough to withhold those agonizing lines
Nor can any amount of ink be enough to scribble them down
No words can express her woes
No ears can hear them all
Not a heart there is strong enough to withstand her anguish.
No hands are built yet to grab her fall.

It was, but those tiny droplets
rolling down, unseen, unheard,
tickled and vanished unnoticed.
Droplets, which her eyes could not
hold from spilling.
Tumbling down, it went
flushing out all her fears,
her anxieties and sufferings.
Giving a way to strength.
Emboldened, she stood afresh,
ready to face everything,
Again, with a curved lip, willing to be
alienated, humiliated, and devasted.
Till the night, she would drop down, defeated.
Her swollen heart, her welled eyes all set to cascade
and drown her in the undefinable ache: only to
revive her strength to fight back her afflictions.