To the beaches I never walked on,
Good bye…
I had a wish, to leave my
foot print on you,
For you to remember me
When I am gone, but couldn’t.
To the peaks I never mounted,
Good bye…
I had a dream to trek on you
And leave my memories
For you to recall, but never could.
Good bye to the wine,
I could never sip on.
Good bye to the cities,
I could never explore.
My tired limbs and fatigued soul
Can no longer trot.
It seems the limit I had,
I have walked them all.
I can hear the silence
Calling me in whispers
Willing to tell me the tales,
Of I know not what.
I can sense the darkness
Waiting to enwrap me
In its warm arms
And bury me into,
A place know not where.