Mirror, mirror in my hand!
who is the happiest on this land?
I asked…
It showed me faces,
many laughing faces,
Many with grins And many with smiles.
But not one of them was mine.
Mirror, mirror in my hand!
Who is the happiest on this land?
I asked again…
I saw faces, happy faces with smiles,
Faces with laughter and a few with smirks,
But not one of them was of mine.
Mirror, mirror in my hand!
Who is the happiest on this land?
Again came the faces,
Many happy and smiley faces…
I peeked into and gazed through them.
Finally, one of them looked like Mine.
Wait! Is that a smile?
Or is it a shade, covering the void?
My eyes, my vacant, deceptive eyes.
The emptiness in them, the frowned brows,
And my forced curved lips, they say it all.
Oh! mirror what You show is the mask that I wore.