
The laughter, and the cries.

I hear every  scream.

Every whisper, every single sighs.

The whoosing of the swirling wind.

The rustling of the trees,

The hooting of an owl at night.

The purring of the cat nearby.

The growling of the dogs in the street.

The soothing chirps of the morning.

The radio playing at the house in the far corner.

I hear school girls giggling, boys whistling.

Cars vrooming around hurriedly.

I hear children tittering in the park.

The clouds thundering…the rain pattering.

Every single of these sound, beats in my drums

Clear and loud….


But, O this cacophony!

Have you  deafened me to my own dear voice?

Did your clamours swallow It?

Or did the  wind blew it off?

Or did it get washed away by the rain?

The voice that never stopped,

With it’s gossip, it’s lame jokes.

It’s soaring dreams, and sharing it’s tiring long days.

The voice that always made sure it was heard.

The voice that spoke it’s heart to me.

Where have you hidden them all?

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