If I was what I am not
what would I be?
Would I be what I thought
I would be?
Or Would
I be what I never thought
I would be?
Would our
paths have ever crossed?
Or would we have never known each other?
Would I
be here at all?
If not, where would I be?
Would life treat me the same
as it has been?
Or would it meet my expectations?
Would I
ever be writing this?
Or would I be the one reading it?
OR, would I have had skipped it altogether?
What would I be if I was never been born as me?
Would I have been that bird
soaring high up in the sky?
Would I have been
a garden flower blooming at its best?
Or would I have been
that dog in the street wagging for some feed?
Would I have been be that happy little girl
in the pretty red dress across the street?
Or would I have been
that cranky boy nagging for a toy?
Would I have been this?
Would I have been that?
Well! Whatever I would have been
I would have been me.
Very interesting